
Just This Once

The following text is the statement I wrote for Never Be Sad.

For this show, I wanted to move in a different direction aesthetically and create work inspired by early-mid 20th century surrealist work, with a tinge of Pop. I also was interested in the challenges of integrating text into art, something I believe is difficult to do well in visual art. Last but not least I wanted to create work that is less about a direct narrative and more about the subconscious, and how we operate in the social and environmental worlds around us.

The phrases in these collages are multi-tiered and double-sided; intended to reflect a sort of personal and societal inertia of mind and lifestyle, both in the sense of being frozen, and moving too fast in a direction to change course. I wanted them to be about states of mind and being, in terms of personal and global events; things that happen on a day-to-day basis and things that happen over the courses of our lives. They’re about the decisions we make, and the twists of fate we encounter. They are intended to reflect the multifaceted moments of joy and anxiety, nostalgia and anticipation, which are part of being alive. I wanted them to be open to interpretation as either uplifting, or melancholy.

Disguising these messages as strangely grafted, twisted plantlife works for me in the sense that, the themes I’m addressing are composed of so many different elements; moments, feelings, and phases of life will shift, grow, die, be confusing, complicated, intangible, and difficult to put into words, along with our memories of them and the events connected to them. Creating the phrases as landscapes, or specimens of wildlife, was sort of like isolating an aspect of our internal environments.

I see them essentially as simulacrum of things that sometimes have no real shape.


Huge thanks to everyone who came out to the opening, and everyone who passed along the word about the show.

Extra special thanks to...
The incomparable Fecal Face, who gave this show a lot of love, paying me a studio visit and taking photos of the opening.

The Chronicle, who gave me a lovely mention.

My dear friend Audrey who made a killer playlist for the show (check out her podcasts if you haven't already).

And most especially to my very charming boyfriend Christopher Norris for writing it up as only he could do, and for coming to the show all the way from NYC.


Never Be Sad

My solo show at Park Life opens this Friday, June 26th from 7-10. Please come, see the new work, and say hello!

Press Release:

Park Life is pleased to announce our next art exhibition featuring the work of Alexis Anne Mackenzie. This show marks Mackenzie’s first solo exhibition at Park Life and will feature all new work.

Alexis Mackenzie’s dreamlike collages intertwine the style of early 1900’s Dadaist Max Ernst with a strong botanical element to create strangely powerful scenarios. Benign elements such as flowers, human and animal figures, and other assorted Victoriana graft together symbiotically in tableaux which seem to deal simultaneously with both evolution and entropy. The resulting images pay homage to the Surrealist importance of the subconscious, where the meaning is left deliberately ambiguous.


wade in the water

i've been enjoying listening to Judy Henske while working this weekend. her song introductions are hilarious but when she sings it's like nobody's business. here are two favorites:

Wade In The Water

Hooka Tooka


pop noir

I donated the collage pictured below to Southern Exposure's annual auction. Head over to Electric Works tonight to nab it (or some other fantastic artwork) and support Southern Exposure!